(Jakarta, 01/07/09) Proses pencarian pesawat Aviastar yang hilang saat melintasi rute Dekay-Wamena, Papu, pada Senin lalu, mendapatkan titik terang. Pilot pesawat CesSna dari maskapai "Associated Mission Aviation" (AMA) registrasi PK-RCX, NG Dong, melihat puing-puing pesawat di daerah Pegunungan Tangma, Kurima, Kabupaten Yahukimo, Papua.


Juru Bicara Badan SAR Nasional Gagah Prakoso mengatakan, puing-puing tersebut diduga merupakan puing pesawat Aviastar yang hilang itu. ”Puing terlihat pada ketinggian 9600 kaki, pada pukul 08.00 WIT. Koordinat lokasinya 04.15.65 LS 139.00.57 LT. Ini baru pantauan dari jarak jauh, sehingga belum diketahui kondisi pasti separah apa kondisi pesawat dan awaknya,” jelasnya saat dihubungi, Rabu (1/7).

( Jakarta , 01/07/09 ) The searching process of the lost Aviastar plane when passing the Dekay-Wamena route, Papua, on the previous Monday finds the bright spot. The CesSna plane’s pilot from the “Associated Mission Aviation” (AMA) Airline whose registration code PK-RCX, NG Dong saw the plane’s debris at the area of Tangma Mountains , Kurima, Yahukimo Regency, Papua.

The National SAR Union’s speaker Gagah Prakoso added, the debris are suspected to be what is left from the lost Aviastar plane. “The debris was seen from the height of 9600 feet, at 08.00 WIT. The location coordinate is 04.15.65 south latitude and 139.00.57 east latitude. This is just from long range watch, so it is still unknown of how bad is the actual condition of the plane and its crews,” he explained when was contacted on Wednesday (1/7).

Gagah added, at 12.00 WIT, the evacuation team from Timika Car Brigade, plans to visit the location by using the Bell Air helicopter which belongs to Freeport Company, but the plan was cancelled because of bad weather. Beside weather, the terrain condition also becomes the main obstacle to search and evacuation process. “That’s why, the big chance to do the victims and plane evacuation can only be done by aircraft. If through the land route, the terrain will be too hard,” he said.

The finding of the body of a Twin Otter Aviastar plane which was transporting food supplies and crewed by Captain Frans Noble and Co-pilot Dedi Sudrajat becomes good news to the search team because since the break of communication, the searching process always resulted nothing. “We all want the best. We hope the crews of the plane can be found in safe condition,” he hoped.

Explained by Gagah on Tuesday (30/6), the SAR team is divided into two periods; at 05.30-12.00 WIT and at 12.00-15.00 WIT. The search process began by using the jet ranger helicopter which belongs to the religion mission organization which focused on the search at Polimo, Kurima, Pasima, Pule and Ogima areas.

The next search process will be done by using the Trigana ATR plane along the route which taken by the Aviastar plane; from Dekay to Wamena. Then, comes the search by using AMA Cesna PK-MAU airline’s plane at Pasima-Soba area and also with Cesna PK-MAQ at the Polimo-Haluwon area.

Then on the land side, the search process was done by the Wamena Army team at Kaliyetni area and also by Wamena police force for Asatipo and Tanah Longsor areas. “All of the SAR team’s operation was stopped that day at 15.00 WIT because the weather was very bad and the result is still nothing. Then, today the operation is planned by using the helicopter, Cesna and MAF, which are belong to the Swiss Air Airline, AMA, Trigana and also jet ranger helicopter which belongs to the religion mission and Yajasi,” explained Gagah.

Responding this newest information, The National Transportation Committee’s speaker JA Barata said, his department was already built a plan to send the investigation team, while waiting further development from SAR team.

“For right now, we are still waiting until the evacuation process is done, while keep doing information verification from every aspect. Information Verification itself was already done by us since the beginning by sending one of our people to go there. It’s only we haven’t sent a team to investigate the cause of the accident because it hasn’t needed yet. This time priority is to evacuate the victims,” explained Barata. (DIP)

Gagah menambahkan, pada pukul 12.00 WIT, tim evakuasi dari Brigadir Mobil (Brimob) Timika, berencana mendatangi lokasi dengan menggunakan helikopter Bell Air milik PT Freeport. Namun, rencana itu dibatalkan karena cuaca buruk. Selain cuaca, kondisi medan juga menjadi kendala utama proses pencarian dan evakuasi. ”Karena itu, peluang besar melakukan evakuasi korban dan pesawat hanya bisa dilakukan lewat jalur udara. Kalau melalui jalur darat, medannya terlalu berat,” ujarnya.

Ditemukannya bagian badan pesawat jenis Twin Otter Aviastar pembawa sembako yang diawaki Capt. Frans Noble dan kopilot Dedi Sudrajat tersebut, menjadi kabar gembira bagi tim pencari. Pasalnya, sejak putusnya komunikasi proses pencarian selalu berbuah nihil. ”Kita semua menginginkan yang terbaik. Semoga awak pesawat bisa kita temukan masih dalam keadaan selamat,” harapnya.

Dijelaskan Gagah, pada Selasa (30/6), operasi SAR dibagi dalam dua periode. Yakni pada pukul 05.30-1200 WIT dan pukul 12.00-15.00 WIT. Pencarian dimulai dengan menggunakan helikopter jet ranger milik organisasi misi keagamaan dengan fokus pencarian di wilayah Polimo, Kurima, Pasima, Pule, dan Ogima.

Pencarian selanjutnya dilakukan dengan menggunakan pesawat ATR Trigana dengan menyisiri rute yang dilalui pesawat Aviastar, yaitu dari Dekay menuju Wamena. Disusul kemudian pencarian dengan menggunakan pesawat maskapai AMA Cesna PK-MAU pada wilayah Pasima-Soba, serta dengan Cesna PK-MAQ pada wilayah Polimo-Haluwon.

Kemudian pada sisi darat, proses pencarian dilakukan tim dari TNI AD Kodim Wamena pada wilayah Kaliyetni, serta Polres Wamena untuk wilayah Asatipo dan Tanah Longsor. ”Seluruh operasi SAR pada hari itu dihentikan pukul 15.00 WIT karena cuaca buruk, dan hasilnya masih nihil. Kemudian, hari ini operasu direncanakan menggunakan helikopter, Cesna dan MAF, milik maskapai Swiss Air, AMA, Trigana, serta helikopter jet ranger milik misi keagamaan dan Yajasi,” papar Gagah.

Menanggapi informasi terbaru ini, Juru Bicara Komite Nasional Keselamatan Transportasi (KNKT) JA Barata mengatakan, pihaknya tengah menyusun rencana untuk mengirimkan tim investigasi sambil menunggu perkembangan lebih lanjut dari tim SAR.

”Untuk saat ini kami masih menunggu sampai proses evakuasi selesai, sambil terus melakukan verifikasi informasi dari semua aspek. Verifikasi informasi sendiri telah kami lakukan sejak awal, dengan mengutus seorang anggota kami ke sana. Hanya saja kami belum mengirim tim untuk menginvestigasi penyebab kecelakaan itu, karena itu belum diperlukan. Prioritasnya saat ini adalah evakuasi korban,” jelas Barata. (DIP)